About Us
华蕊艺术团是由美国硅谷华人组成的非赢利艺术表演团体. 团员都是在高科技公司工作的工程师、会计师及各行各业的硅谷人, 年龄由二十多岁到退休年龄, 是一个非常有凝聚力的组织. 团员们本着对舞蹈的共同热爱及生活的热爱, 在专业老师的指导之下, 学习及表演各民族的中国舞蹈及现代舞, 用他们的努力, 丰富湾区人民生活, 升华个人品格, 传承和弘扬中华文化.
华蕊是中华之花蕊, 吐露着华夏文化的芬芳. 多年来华蕊艺术团表演了许多不同风格的中国民族和其它类型的舞蹈.艺术团近年来不断发展, 艺术表演水平年年提高, 多次参加了全湾区有影响力的演出, 受到了广泛的好评. 2017在常洁老师的指导下, 华蕊又向观众献上一台极富感染力的精彩节目!
Hua Rui Performing Arts is a non-profit organization formed by a group of Chinese in the Silicon Valley. Members of the Hua Rui team are mostly working full time in various professions in the Bay Area. Our ages range from the 20s to the retired. We come together for the love of dance and music. Under direction of very talented teachers, members learn different Chinese ethnic dances as well as modern dances. Through our hard work, we have been contributing to the multi-cultural community events, enriching our lives and spreading Chinese art of dance and singing throughout the Bay Area.
Hua Rui team is like a flower revealing the charm and fragrance of Chinese culture. In the past years, the team has presented many memorable dances that represented different Chinese ethnicity in various prominent showcases and events. Our techniques have improved significantly and our performances have been well received.
In the 2019 showcase, under instructions of our principal artistic director, Jan Chang, we will once again feature many different styles of dances, especially two large scale dances. We hope to bring more and more great performances to our audience in the future.
At Hua Rui, One Day at a Time, We Make Life More Beautiful.